Category: General
Asynchronous Financial Data processing using F#
Hi everyone, I was looking at a book to find some algorithm to detect clusters within financial data. I managed to find a decent algorithm for that matter, but I then wanted to test it on some real data. Hence, I had to get the data from somewhere and I chose to use Yahoo! Finance.…
Quantitative Finance and Computer Science: quick comparison between R and MATLAB
Hi everybody, It’s a few weeks without a post and I apologize for that; I am at the moment looking for a job in Geneva, and it’s a bit time consuming as you would imagine. Anyway, I kept working a bit on different projects and I had the idea to create this post. What encouraged…
Olivier Smaga in politics
Hi everybody, Just a quick post to support my brother Olivier Smaga who is starting up his political career in Geneva, Switzerland. I sincerely wish him all the best and I am sure he will be very successful. For more information, you can look at his blog See ya!
Martingale Strategy simulation on Roulette
Good afternoon everybody, I know that most people who have a slight background in probability theory try to apply it to casinos games. I even reckon that most teachers now choose this approach to interest their students to the field. However, I have the chance to know people working in casinos, and I know too…
Here we go!
Hi everybody, welcome to my blog. I am trying this experience in order to share thoughts, studies and research I’ve made recently. Since most of the articles I will be publishing on this blog will be in English, I decided to adopt this language for this website. Basically, the topics I will discuss in here…