Hello everyone!
I know it’s been a while since I last contributed to the blog and I would like to apologize for that but I’ve been pretty busy over the past 6-8 months.
So, to make amends, I updated the blog’s look and feel and I hope you will like this new version, which is also fully responsive, allowing you to visualize the blog on your computer as well as on your favorite mobile device.
So, what happened during these last months?
First I got married on January 2nd, which, as you can imagine, was quite time-consuming in terms of organisation before, during an after the event! Anyway, being a happy married man, I came back in January ready to start this year’s CFA campaign. I must say it wasn’t really easy because the challenge is pretty different this time around: the CFA Level III is much more oriented towards asset allocation and portfolio management, which is essentially what I’ve been doing at the office on a daily basis for the past 3 years. Quite surprisingly, it doesn’t really make it really easier. Indeed, when you face a topic you don’t know, you automatically focus on the whole material. When you feel you already know about a topic, it’s difficult to read or watch the whole material looking for the specific keywords the CFA Institute is looking for. I still went for the brute force method by going through all the material, but I suspect a more efficient approach could be used consisting in doing the exercises first and coming back to the parts that you were not able to answer. That’s just an idea.
Another major news came up in my life by the end of February. Indeed, I accepted a job offer from a commodity company in Hong Kong. Hence, I am preparing my relocation which will be completed by the beginning of August, although I will officially start my new job right after the CFA Level III exam. I am sure you can imagine that here again, I spend a lot of time preparing to leave Switzerland, which can be quite intense in terms of paperwork and administration.
Anyway, I will try to add a few posts on the important new topics I encountered in the Level III curriculum in the coming few days, and I also have a few interesting posts coming your way about softer topics.